Coronavirus Challenge Hackathon 2021


Coronavirus Challenge Hackathon 2021


An integrated team from the DSRC and CCLP, University of Haifa, organized together with the Ministry of Health and Innovation Authority a Coronavirus Challenge Hackathon.
It was a groundbreaking and successful innovative event.
Thanks to 18 professional teams that participated from all sectors and from all over the country in a 3-day data sharing event in which the Ministry shared the data with, we now have new insights that can help the country develop data-based mechanisms for corona monitoring and tools that can change future policy and for example, shorten the isolation time.
The official partners are:
– Ministry of Health – The Plague Treatment Team, Timna, Computation Department
– Israel Innovation Authority – C4IR
– Haifa University – The Center for Cyber Law & Policy, The International Center for Health, Law & Ethics, The Data Science Research Center (DSRC Haifa).