IBM and GE-Healthcare internship - introduction to the projects

The Data Science Research Center of the University of Haifa supported 6 graduate students in 3-month internship programs at IBM and GE-Healthcare!

Two students worked at GE-Healthcare:

Artur Shurin
Department of Marine Technologies

Developed a very accurate algorithm that can identify the exact location of caliper landmarks on an ultrasound images.

Shunit Truzman
Department of Marine Technologies

Worked on Anomaly detection in structured clinical data (using HL7 FHIR standard) using Deep Learning approaches.

Four students worked at IBM:

Yuli Zeira
Department of Computer Science

Worked on detecting escalation in the state of a chatbot-client dialogue at an early stage of the conversation, using classic machine learning methods ad state-of-the-art methods.

Alex Kogan
Department of Information Systems

Used machine learning to identify possible future melanoma and kidney cancer patients.

Roi Almakias
Department of Statistics

Worked on FreaAI — a product by IBM that automatically finds weaknesses in machine learning models. It is integrated into IBM services.

Marcelo Feighelstein
Department of Information Systems

Built an AI-based application able to interpret flow charts on images and answer questions based on such interpretation.