DSRC Colloquium – October 25th, 2021 – The library in the 21st century

Zoom Meeting Recording


Speaker: Ronit Marco (Reference Department, Younes & Soraya Nazarian Library, University of Haifa)

 The Academic Library – Tools and Services for Data Scientists

Abstract: Academic libraries tend to be perceived as stale establishments with shushing librarians and dust-collecting books on shelves. However, in the current Information Age, libraries are anything but that. Professional Information specialists continuously monitor the scientific information landscape to find new effective resources and tools that meet their patrons’ information needs. These are then presented to the researchers and students in online and offline personal or group guidance sessions.

The lecture will discuss the work of 21st century academic libraries and their interaction with their audiences, as well as resources and services that can benefit data scientists, including dataset repositories and innovative search engines.

Speaker: Dr. Tohar Dolev-Amit (Post doctorate student at the University of Haifa, on a Data Science Research Center Scholarship and a clinical intern at the AMCHA center in Haifa)

 Rupture Detection in Psychotherapy Using Human Action Recognition

Alliance ruptures are an integral part of psychotherapy and have the potential to either undermine treatment or enhance it. The most common method for identifying ruptures is through observational methods. However, it is labor intensive, with a long training and coding process. The direction of gaze and the facial expressions of the patient are a promising approach in psychotherapy research. We aim to identify whether ruptures are related to specific gaze direction and facial expression profiles.

The lecture will discuss the ability of using Human Action Recognition techniques, specifically Gaze Detection and Gaze Behavior Recognition as well as Facial expression through facial landmark detection, and facial action units’ recognition, in order to automatically detect alliance ruptures.

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