Completing the picture in 3D
Azmi Haider, Dan Rosenbaum
Can Facial Landmarks Guide us to Understanding Animal Emotions?
George Martvel, Anna Zamansky, Ilan Shimshoni
3D Imaging for Coral Reef Ecology
Matan Yuval, Naama Pearl, Amit Peleg, Dan Tchernov, Tali Treibitz, Avi Bar Massada
Say Hello to the New Digital DR DOLITTLE: AI that Knows How to Read Cats’ Emotions
Marcelo Feighelstein, Anna Zamansky, Ilan Shimshoni
Can a Computerized Task Treat Depression
Gal Rabinovich, Reut Shani, Tomer Sidi, Hadas Okon-Singer
Can you smell pain: A Multi-modal signature for chronic pain
Michal Weiss, Hadeel Salameh, Elias Mansour, Hossam Haick, Pavel Goldstein
If the Shoe Fits… – Wait, What if It Doesn’t
Galit Peysachov, Noa Magal, Idan Kogan, Roee Admon, Sigal Zilcha-Mano
Wearable Sensors for Monitoring Neurological Conditions in Dogs
Itzik Klein, Anna Zamansky, Tsvika Palkovitch
How synchronized are the human organs?
Ehud Sussman, Dana Mor, Shaked Briller, Judith Somekh, Gil Atzmon