So many species, so little time
Tamar Keasar, Elad Chiel
Tamar Keasar, Elad Chiel
Zoom Meeting Recording Data Science and Sustainability Speaker: Lior Greenspoony, The Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Weitzman Institute.Title: The Global Biomass of Wild Mammals Abstract: Lior Greenspoon*1, Eyal Krieger*1, Yuval Rosenberg1,…
Zoom Meeting Recording Speaker: Ronit Marco (Reference Department, Younes & Soraya Nazarian Library, University of Haifa) Title: The Academic Library - Tools and Services for Data Scientists Abstract: Academic libraries tend to…
Hilla Sarig-Bahat, Hagit Hel-Or
Dear all, We are happy to announce that this week we will host the AI4Biodiversity workshop in an hybrid mode - face-to-face and via zoom. For more details and registration please see the invitation…
The Israel Data Science Initiative is happy to announce its first international conference to mark the consolidation of the Data Science Research Centers that were established in 7 of Israel’s…
The third DSRC-students community meeting was held on Tuesday, 10.08.2021, at 16:00-17:00. In this meeting we hosted Prof. Assaf Gottlieb, from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth),…
Tal Ben-David Sela, Hagit Hel-Or, Ilan Shimshoni, Sigal Zilcha-Mano
Dear all, At Artathon 2021, an activity under the iReceptor + Project, we are devoted to find new ways to accurately visualize complex biological data. p If you are an artist…
Judith Somekh, Nir Lotan, Gur Arieh Yehuda, Ehud Sussman